What is meant by a Scientific Approach To Learning
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Scientific Approach in Learning |
Scientific approach is intended to provide insight to students in recognizing, understanding the various materials using a scientific approach, that information can come from anywhere, at any time, do not rely on the information in the direction of the teacher. Therefore, it is expected to create learning conditions that will encourage the learners in finding out from various sources through observation, and not just be told.
The application of
scientific approaches in the learning process involves skills such as
observing, classifying, measuring, predicting, explaining, and conclude. In
carrying out these processes, teacher assistance is needed. However, the
teacher must aid decreases with increasing adult student or the higher grade
Scientific method is
particularly relevant to the three learning theories, namely the theory of
Bruner, Piaget, and Vygotsky's theory. Bruner theory of learning is called
discovery learning theory. There are four main things related to learning
theories of Bruner (in Carin & Sund, 1975). First, only individuals learn
and develop his mind when he uses his mind. Second, by performing the cognitive
processes in the discovery process, students will acquire the intellectual
thrill and satisfaction is intrinsic rewards suatau. Third, the only way that a
person can learn the techniques of doing discovery is that it has a chance to
do discovery. Fourth, to make the discovery will strengthen memory retention.
Four of the above is consistent with the cognitive processes required in
learning to use the scientific method.
Piaget's theory, stating
that the study related to the formation and development of the schema (plural
schemata). The scheme is a cognitive mental structures or structures with which
a person is intellectually adapt and coordinate the surrounding environment
(Baldwin, 1967). The scheme has never stopped changing, the schemata of a child
will develop into adults schemata. The process that leads to changes in
schemata called adaptation. The process of formation of this adaptation can be
done in two ways: assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is the cognitive
process by which one can integrate stimuli of perception, concepts, laws,
principles, or new experiences into existing schemes in mind. Accommodation may
include the formation of a new scheme that can match the characteristics of the
existing stimulus or modify existing schemes to match the characteristics of
the existing stimulus. In the learning necessary to balancing or equilibration
between assimilation and accommodation.
Vygotsky, the theory states
that learning occurs when students work or study dealing with tasks that have
not been studied, but the tasks were still within the range of abilities or
tasks that are in a zone of proximal development area is located between the
current level of child development are defined as a problem-solving abilities
under the guidance of an adult or more capable peers. (Nur and Wikandari, 2000:
Learning the scientific
method has the following characteristics:
1) centered on the student.
2) involves the science
process skills in constructing the concept, law or principle.
3) involves the cognitive
processes of potential in stimulating the development of intellect, especially
high-level thinking skills of students.
4) be able to develop the
character of students.
B. The purpose of learning
the scientific approach
The purpose of learning the
scientific approach based on the advantages of the approach. Some
tujuanembelajaran the scientific approach are:
1) to improve the ability of
intellect, especially high-level thinking skills of students.
2) to establish the ability
of the student in solving a problem in a systematic way.
3) the creation of
conditions for learning in which students feel that learning is a necessity.
4) obtaining results of high
5) to train students in the
communication of ideas, especially in writing a scientific article.
6) to develop the character
of students.
C. Learning principles with
scientific approach
Some of the principles of
scientific approaches in the learning activities are as follows:
1) student-centered learning
2) learning form the
students' self-concept
3) avoid the verbal learning
4) learning provides an
opportunity for students to assimilate and accommodate the concepts, laws, and
5) leads to an increase
learning ability of students to think
6) learning increases
student motivation and motivation of teachers to teach
7) provides the opportunity
for students to practice skills in communication
8) the process of validation
of the concepts, laws and principles which students constructed in cognitive
2. Common Measures of
Learning with Scientific Approach
The learning process at all
levels of the curriculum in 2013 to be implemented by using a scientific
approach (scientific). Step-by-step scientific approach (scientific appoach) in
the learning process includes collecting information through observation,
question, experiment, and then process the data or information, present data or
information, followed by analyzing, reasoning, then concluded, and create. For
the subjects, materials, or certain situations, it may be a scientific approach
is not always appropriately applied procedurally. In this condition, of course,
the learning process must continue to implement the values or scientific
nature and avoid the values or non-scientific nature. Scientific approach in
the study are presented as follows:
a. Observed (observation)
Method of prioritizing
meaningfulness observe the learning process (learning meaningfull). This method
has certain advantages, such as the media presents a real object, learners
happy and challenged, and easy implementation. The method is very useful for
observing the curiosity fulfillment learners. So that the learning process has
a high significance. Activity observed in the study as presented in
Permendikbud No. 81a, let the teacher opened wide and varied opportunities for
students to make observations through the following activities: look, listen,
hear, and read. The teacher facilitates the students to make observations,
training them to pay attention (see, read, hear) things that are important from
an object or objects. As expected competencies are trained seriousness,
thoroughness, and look for information.
b. inquire
In observing the activity,
the teacher opens wide opportunities for learners to ask questions about what
has been seen, listened to, read or seen. Teachers should guide students to be
able to ask questions: questions about the observed object to the concrete
until Abstra regard to facts, concepts, procedures, or even something more
abstract. Factual questions until the question is hypothetical. Of situations
in which learners are trained using the questions from the teacher, the teacher
still needs help to ask a question to a level where students are able to ask
questions independently. Of the two activities generated a number of questions.
Through the activities developed curiosity asks learners. The more trained in
asking the curiosity can be developed further. Question stretcher became the
basis for the search for further information and a variety of specified sources
to specified teacher learners, from a single source to source diverse.
The "inquire" in
learning activities as presented in Permendikbud No. 81a in 2013, is asking
questions about information that is not dIlmu Alamhami knowledge of what is
observed or questions to obtain additional information about what is observed
(starting from factual questions to the questions that are hypothetical). The
competencies expected in this activity is to develop creativity, curiosity, the
ability to formulate questions to establish the critical thinking necessary for
intelligent life and lifelong learning.
c. collecting Information
The "gathering
information" is a follow up of asking. This activity is done by digging
and collecting information from various sources through a variety of ways. For
that learners can read more books, pay attention to the phenomenon or object
that is more accurate, or even do experiments. From these activities a number
of the information collected. In Permendikbud Number 81a In 2013, information
gathering activities conducted through experimentation, reading sources other
than textbooks, observing the objects / events / activities interviews with
resource persons and so on. As expected competencies is to develop an attitude
conscientious, honest, polite, respect the opinions of others, the ability to
communicate, implement the ability to gather information through a variety of
ways to learn, develop the habit of learning and lifelong learning.
d. Associate / Process
Information / reasoning
The "associate /
process information / reasoning" in learning activities as presented in
Permendikbud No. 81a in 2013, is to process the information that has been
collected both from the results of the limited collecting / experiments and
observe the results of the activities and information gathering activities.
Processing the information gathered from that is to add breadth and depth to
the information processing that are looking for solutions from a variety of
sources that have a different opinion to the contrary. This activity is carried
out to find the relationship of the information with other information, find
patterns of linkage information. As expected competencies is to develop an
attitude to be honest, meticulous, disciplined, law-abiding, hard work, ability
to implement procedures and inductive and deductive thinking skills in
This activity is also termed
as the activity of reasoning, which is a process of thinking logically and
systematically over-the empirical facts that can be observed to obtain a
conclusion in the form of knowledge. Make sense in the context of learning
activities on the Curriculum 2013 with many scientific approach refers to
theories of learning associations or associative learning. The term refers to
the association in learning kemamuan associate classify diverse ideas and
diverse events to then put it into a fragment of memory. During special events
transfer to the brain, stored in a reference to the experience of other events.
The experiences that have been stored in memory and related brain interacts
with previous experience already available.
e. draw conclusions
Concluded in learning activities
with a scientific approach is a continuation of the activities of process data
or information. Having found a link between information and find various
patterns of these linkages, then together in a single group, or individually to
make a conclusion.
f. communicating
In scientific approach
teachers are expected to provide opportunities for learners to communicate what
they have learned. This activity can be done by writing down or telling what is
found in information-seeking activities, associate and find patterns. These
results disampikan in class and rated by teachers as the study of students or
groups of students such. Activity "communicate" in learning
activities as presented in Permendikbud No. 81a in 2013, is conveying the observations,
conclusions based on the results of the analysis of oral, written, or other
The competencies expected in
this activity is to develop the attitude of honest, conscientious, tolerance,
the ability to think systematically, to express their opinions briefly and
clearly, and to develop good language skills and correct.
3. The Application of the
Scientific Approach to Learning
Learning activities include
three main activities, namely the preliminary activities, core activities, and
closing activities. Preliminary event aims to create an atmosphere of effective
early learning that enables students can follow the learning process well. For
example, when the start of learning, the teacher greets the children excited
and happy tone (say hello), check the presence of the student and ask the
student's absence if one is not present.
In the scientific method is
the main purpose of the preliminary activities solidify students' understanding
of the concepts that have been mastered with regard to the subject matter that will
be studied by the students. In this activity the teacher should strive for
students who do not understand a concept can understand these concepts, while
students who had misconceptions, such errors can be eliminated. In the
preliminary activities, suggested teacher showed the phenomenon or event
"strange" or "odd" (discrepant event) that can inspire the
emergence of questions on students.
Core activity is the main
activity in the learning process or in the process of mastery learning
experience (learning experience) students. Core activity in learning is a
process of formation of the student experience and capabilities
programmatically implemented within a certain time duration. Core activities in
the scientific method is intended to terkonstruksinya concept, law or principle
by students with the help of the teacher melalaui activity measures given in
Cover activities aimed at
two main things. First, the validation of the concept, or principle of law
which has been is constructed by students. Secondly, the subject matter is
mastered enrichment students
Examples of preliminary
activities, core activities, and closing activities are given below.
Examples of preliminary
1) Saying greetings
2) Teacher recalls the
concepts that have been learned by the students associated with the new
material that will be taught. For example in maple NATURAL SCIENCES, the
teacher asks the concept of a solution and its components before learning
acid-base material. For SOCIAL SCIENCES, eg using apperception about the floods
that occur frequently. Where, when, and why it could happen, who are often the
victims, what the flood affected people in the face of the disaster.
3) Delivering the learning
Examples of Core Activities
1) Observe:
teachers ask students to observe a phenomenon. For example in maple NATURAL
SCIENCES teacher asks the students to observe the nature of the solution
obtained from extracts of star fruit or tomatoes. The phenomenon can also be
given in the form of video. In maple SOCIAL SCIENCES example is the phenomenon
that is observed images (photographs, slides) about the forest bare, heavy
rain, people littering, the river overflowed, flooding large. slide, or a video
clip about the flood disaster somewhere.
2) inquire:
students ask questions about a phenomenon. For example, students questioned
"Why star fruit extract solution or tomatoes taste sweet and salty".
For example in maple SOCIAL SCIENCES is "Are the causes and effects of
flooding could occur in space and time are the same or different?"
3) reasoning to propose a
For example, in maple
NATURAL SCIENCES students proposed that taste sweet and sour at the solution
enkstrak star fruit or tomatoes caused by a substance that has a sweet taste
and a substance that has a sour taste. The students' opinion is a hypothesis.
Hypothetical example in maple SOCIAL SCIENCES is Flood (due) and deforestation
(cause) can be: a) occurred at the same place b) occurred in different places.
4) Collecting Data:
student teachers collect data or provide data on the components contained in
the extract solution of star fruit or tomatoes.
5) Analyzing the data:
Students analyze the data
provided by the teacher. Analysis of the data in SOCIAL SCIENCE, for example,
students are encouraged to read pages 2-6 students on concepts of space, time,
connectivity, and social interaction. These concepts associated with information
or baseline data, questions and hypotheses, and the data collected.
6) Drawing conclusions
students draw conclusions based on the results of the analysis they do. For
example, the students concluded that the sweet taste in the solution of star
fruit or fruit extract tomato caused by the presence of sugar, while the sour
taste is caused by the presence of acid. Examples of the conclusions drawn in
the example SOCIAL SCIENCE rain causes flooding in Jakarta, Bogor showed an
association antarruang and time.
7) Communicating:
In this step, students can
submit their work orally or in writing, for example through group
presentations, discussion, and question and answer.
Examples of Closing
for example, teachers ask students to express the concept, principle or theory
that has been is constructed by students.
In SOCIAL SCIENCE maple, for
example, students were asked to describe examples of linkages antarruang and
time, for example the relationship between villages and cities.
2) In maple and maple NATURAL
SCIENCES another, teachers can ask students to increase their understanding of
the concepts, principles or theories that have been studied from textbooks that
are relevant or other resources. Examples in maple NATURAL SCIENCES above can
also be used in maple SOCIAL SCIENCE.
SOCIAL SCIENCES maple, maple and others, the teacher can give some websites on
the internet relating to the concepts, principles or theories that have been
learned by the student, then the teacher asks the students to access these
4. technique in the
assessment of learning with a scientific approach
Assessment on learning the
scientific approach includes process assessment, product assessment, and
attitude assessment. Assessment on 3 aspects can be explained as follows.
a. Or skills assessment
process, conducted through observation as students work group, individual work,
discussions, presentations or when using performance observation sheet.
b. Product assessment is
understanding the concepts, principles, and laws made by a written test.
c. Attitude assessment,
through observation as students work group, individual work, discussions,
presentations or when using the observation sheet attitudes.
Reading Material
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